A new angle on the conventional end-of-year “best of” lists sees the UNESCO Cities of Literature, led by Iowa City, take to Twitter from Monday 7 December to Wednesday 23 December with their lists of “17 Books for the 17 SDGs”.

Each day, UNESCO Cities of Literature will tweet book suggestions from their cities, using the hashtag #17Booksfor17SDGs. One of UNESCO’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be highlighted each day, and relevant books will be featured. These might be non-fiction titles that specifically address that day’s SDG or works of fiction that illuminate the theme. 

Several of the 39 UNESCO Cities of Literature have joined together to take part, including Bucheon, Dunedin, Edinburgh, Granada, Iowa City, Ljubljana, Manchester, Melbourne, Milan, Nottingham, Odessa, Slemani, and Utrecht. Other Cities of Literature are poised ready to retweet the selections to broaden the reach of the lists across the globe.

The project, initiated by Iowa City UNESCO City of Literature, seeks to draw attention to the SDGs and raise awareness through books and story. UNESCO Cities of Literature strive every day to improve life outcomes and wellbeing for their communities. As the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic, the network continues to engage with readers in the digital space to leverage the power of words to offer comfort and support.

For more information:

To learn more about the SDGs, please visit: https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/

To learn more about the UNESCO Cities of Literature Network, please visit: https://www.citiesoflit.com/

The Cities of Literature press pack: https://96d005ea-03e9-4aa2-8e75-0aa3187986b8.filesusr.com/ugd/177d17_577579709f81496d9605aae8faee9dd1.pdf

Follow the social media hashtag: #17Booksfor17SDGs